The Asian Sensation

Monday, May 15, 2006

i hate attention...

so yesterday was my last sunday at my church. i was called to the front of the church by pastor scott to say bye, thanks, and pray for me. i don't like attention. i don't like it when everyone is staring at me. i tried to let my pastor know that i was leaving the last possible moment. but even then, it was too early, i still got called up to the front. dang. i wanted to melt into the ground. i didn't know who to look at, who to make eye contact with. so i just stared at the ground or stared at scott while he talked. there were 3 of us up there, but i felt like i was the only one, and naked too. i have the kira disease. ;)


Blogger canyongirl said...

I feel your pain! Try being the only chick at a big party wearing a poofy white dress, a tiara, and a veil.
And then having to walk on a red carpet in front of everyone. Nearly peed my pants. Sorry to pass on my disorder to you!

May 15, 2006 2:04 PM  
Blogger Audrey said...

just fyi, you looked way cooler than it sounds like you felt. you better come back and visit! or at least come snowboarding in japan with everyone at the end of december. save the date!

May 15, 2006 11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

May 16, 2006 6:23 PM  

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